Quick Start

Template Repositories

If you're looking for the fastest way to bootstrap an app using World ID, we have multiple template repositories available for you to use. To integrate World ID into an existing app, proceed to Installation.

World ID Cloud Template

Use this Template

This template repository is a simple example of how to use World ID and our Developer Portal API. Once you've created a new repository from this template, set your app_id and action in the .env file and run the following command to get started:


pnpm i && pnpm dev

Sign In with World ID Template

Use this Template

This template repository is a simple example of how to use Sign In with World ID using NextAuth. Once you've created a new repository from this template, set your NEXTAUTH_URL, WLD_CLIENT_ID and WLD_CLIENT_SECRET in the .env file and run the following command to get started:


pnpm i && pnpm dev

World ID On-Chain Template

Use this Template

This template repository is a simple example of how to use World ID in an on-chain application.

Developers should be familiar with Foundry to use this template.